IXth International Conference on Urban History |
August 27-30, 2008 Lyon France |
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> Browse sessionsBack to session listSession descriptionPublic services and urban politics in European cities, 14th to 18th centuries
Abstract: Session conveners:
Session type: Main Classification: MA/EM - Middle Ages to Early Modern CommunicationsA targeted public. ‘Public services’ in fifteenth-century Ghent and Bruges.Author(s): Haemers, Jelle ; Ryckbosch, Wouter Changes in medical administration of emergency: local practices of surgery in Paris and London, 1750-1800Author(s): Rabier, Christelle Commonwealth or private profit?Author(s): Braekevelt, Jonas Conflict and consensus: the allocations of public services in the Netherlands, 1500-1800Author(s): van der Heijden, Manon Entre promenades et jardins publics: les loisirs parisiens et londoniens au XVIIIe siècleAuthor(s): Turcot, Laurent La distribution de l’eau dans les villes médiévales françaises (XIIIe-XVIe siècles). Service public ou service au public?Author(s): LEVASSEUR, AURELLE Le système annonaire à Florence: de la ville-état à l'état territorialAuthor(s): Pult, Anna Maria Police and Poor Relief in Nantes during the French Religious Wars 1558-1589Author(s): Tingle, Elizabeth Public services and urban management in Lions, 17th-18th centuriesAuthor(s): Zeller, Olivier Reforming relief. Changes in urban provisions for the poor in the Northern and Southern Netherlands (c. 1500-1800)Author(s): van Nederveen Meerkerk, Elise ; Vermeesch, Griet |