IXth International Conference on Urban History |
August 27-30, 2008 Lyon France |
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> Browse sessionsBack to session listSession descriptionPopular Housing and social control in the European cities, XVIIIth-XXth centuries
Abstract: Session conveners:
Session type: Main Classification: EM/M - Early Modern to Modern CommunicationsA harmonious society of all classes? Manufacturers and social relationships in the Northern English Town: Halifax, c.1840-c.1850Author(s): Iwama, Toshihiko Contrôle social et logements sociaux à Rome au XXème siècleAuthor(s): Salsano, Fernando ; Sotgia, Alice Invisible boundaries: domesticating the Antwerp Seefhoek neighbourhood and its ‘cités ouvrières’ during the final quarter of the nineteenth centuryAuthor(s): Van Houtven, Stephanie Les transformations de l'ordre social et urbain par ses marges : Gerland (Lyon) 1920-1980.Author(s): Vogel, Marie Logement populaire et contrôle social dans les villes européennes de 1850 à nos jours : état de la recherche/ Popular housing and social control in the European cities,1850-2000 : inventory of researchAuthor(s): Tellier, Thibault L’impact de la politique de construction d’habitat social sur la cohésion sociale d’un quartier suburbain à Madrid 1923-1936Author(s): Vorms, Charlotte Theoretical and ideological discourses on the problem of lower-class housing and its town-planning implicationsAuthor(s): Perotti, Eliana |